NOTICE: Applications to all Streams of the Plastics Action Fund are now closed.

CleanBC Plastics Action Fund Phase 2

Indigenous Funding Pilot Program

Plastics Action Fund Phase 2

Indigenous Funding Pilot Program

The Fund seeks to support projects led by Indigenous people, communities, businesses, and organizations focused on reuse, remanufacturing, or micro-recycling, to reduce plastic waste.

The CleanBC Plastics Action Fund’s new Indigenous Funding Pilot Program has up to $1 million in funding available to support Indigenous-led projects that prevent plastic waste, through the development of community or business based ventures providing zero waste solutions.

Looking for help to understand the Indigenous Funding Pilot Program or help to apply? The
Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group (IZWTAG) is available to help.

[email protected]

Learn more about IZWTAG

Online applications for the Indigenous Pilot Funding Stream are now closed. Thank you for applying. 

How the fund works:

Indigenous Applicants will reduce plastic waste in the province through funding provided by the CleanBC Plastics Action Fund. The Fund will support projects that will:

  • Result in waste reduction activities to recycle, reuse, or prevent plastic waste which are led by Indigenous people, communities, and businesses
  • Build capacity around the circular economy and plastic waste reduction

Determine your eligibility:

Eligible applications must meet the following general criteria:

● Projects will need to be able to be completed within 1 year of the award of funding.

● Projects must show a contribution of at least 20% of project expenses. This can include in-kind contributions (e.g. staff time, space for implementation of the project) and/or contributions from other grants or funding streams.

● Projects must include a clear plan on how the project will support the phase-out of single-use plastics,prevent plastic waste or increase capacity of plastic waste reduction activities.

Eligible Applicants will be required to:

● Agree that the qualified expenses are used solely towards their selected project.

● Provide receipts and invoices for the eligible expenses, upon request.

● Participate in a short follow-up survey to demonstrate the outcomes resulted from the Program. Only aggregate results will be made public.

● Complete a simple online report back to Alacrity (see Appendix A) every 3 months (90 days) after the transfer of the initial payment and upon the project conclusion.

Eligible Indigenous Organizations include:

– Communities

– Schools, childcare, and other educational institutions

– Band stores – Indigenous Economic Development organizations

– Indigenous owned and operated businesses

Applicants who do not meet the eligible criteria are unable to apply for the Program.

For more information on the fund,  please visit the Program Guide or contact IZWTAG